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Our Sponsors

Spier Films is a motion picture production company with offices in Cape Town, London, Los Angeles and Reykjavik.

We develop, produce and finance films and series unrestricted by form, genre or platform.

We are part of a family-owned group of companies that includes at least 6 of the top South African insurance companies, two food franchises in 30 countries, a wine estate, hotel and conference centre and luxury lodges throughout Africa and India.

We create and support films which have both critical and commercial success and often work with highly respected international producers in both a servicing and co-production capacity while remaining dedicated to fostering South African talent.

Q2 Films® is an indie production company focusing on Impressionist Filmmaking. We are distinguishable by our content and style.

Centering on short or feature narrative films that reflect, rather than interpret, emotions and sensations of a character.

Our movies are societal medication. They are reflections of us and us of them. Helping the other to provide context and meaning in this life and at times on untraveled roads.

The journey continues, fueled by an unwavering dedication to extracting meaning and preserving fleeting fragments of existence through the lens, the written word, and the artistic soul.

Cannes Film Agency based in Cannes is privileged to support filmmakers in presenting their work to key industry stakeholders, producers, and investors, helping them gain visibility in the highly competitive film industry.

Our role extends beyond traditional film distribution; facilitating exclusive screenings in independent cinemas, allowing filmmakers to curate their audience and directly engage with potential collaborators and supporters.

We are deeply involved in the filmmaker's journey at prestigious events such as the Cannes Film Festival and MIPCOM, providing essential guidance and support every step of the way. We are passionate about empowering filmmakers and committed to their success worldwide, making every effort to turn artistic visions into reality.