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Attend Parties at Festivals in Cannes

Cannes Parties

What to wear at Film Festivals in Cannes

The dress code at the Cannes is quite formal and elegant. As the MIPCOM and Lions attracts many high-profile attendees, it is important to dress appropriately. Here are some tips on what to wear in Cannes:

  1. Cocktail attire: The most common attire for the festival is cocktail attire, which is typically a formal outfit, such as a suit or a dress, that is appropriate for an evening event. Women typically wear long gowns or dresses, while men wear suits and dress shoes.
  2. Elegant and chic: When choosing your outfit, aim for an elegant and chic look that is appropriate for a formal event. This means avoiding casual or sporty clothing and opting for formal, high-end pieces.
  3. Beachwear: If you are attending a screening or event on the beach, it is still important to dress appropriately. Avoid wearing swimwear or beachwear and opt for elegant, light summer attire instead.
  4. Dress comfortably: Although the dress code is formal, it is important to choose an outfit that is also comfortable, as you will be walking around the festival for several hours at a time. Make sure to choose comfortable shoes and light, breathable fabrics, especially if you are attending the festival during the summer months.

Get Invited to Cannes Film Agency Parties

These are some of the tips on what to wear in Cannes. Keep in mind the festivals are highly prestigious event, and that your attire should reflect the level of sophistication and elegance that is expected at such an event.

If you are unsure about what to wear, err on the side of dressing more formally, and you will be sure to make a good impression.

How to Get Invited to Parties

Getting into parties can be challenging, as many of the events are invitation-only and open only to industry professionals and VIPs. However, there are a few ways to increase your chances of getting into these exclusive parties:

  1. Accreditation: If you have accreditation, you will have access to many of the industry events and parties and give you access to network with other industry professionals.
  2. Networking: Networking is key to getting into parties, make connections with industry professionals, attend networking events, and use your existing connections to get invitations to parties.
  3. Book a hotel with a rooftop bar: Some hotels in Cannes have rooftop bars that host parties during the festival. Booking a room in one of these hotels can give you access to these parties, as well as a great view of the city and the festival.
  4. Attend public events: Some parties at the festival are open to the public, such as the nightly parties at the beach clubs. Attending these events can give you the chance to rub elbows with industry professionals and potentially score an invitation to a private party.
  5. Work with a film company or sponsor: If you are associated with a film company or festival sponsor, they may be able to secure invitations to parties for you.

These are some ways to increase your chances of getting into parties at film festivals in Cannes. Keep in mind that access to parties can be competitive so networking, making connections, and having a positive attitude are key to making the most of your experience in Cannes.